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The Full Story

What started this whole Sshh thing? 

For the past 25 years, I have had one recurring vision...that I am here to be a part of healing the collective and to share that healing with as many people as I come into contact with. It is my purpose in this life to offer whatever I have, to people who may be looking for what was once also lost to me... The self. The connection to source. The connection to ALL that is. We all have it and yet many of us have no idea what it is or how to access it. It is my goal to share what I have learned, and the tools I have picked up along the way on the journey to self-actualizing, and reconnecting to our divine source energy. As I mentioned we all have the innate gift and ability of self-healing and it is up to us to learn how to hone that craft.

The vision continued to appear until I finally created a vision board, and started setting those out-of-this-world intentions every day. Next thing I know, people are coming out of the woodwork to ask me if I can help this way or that way, or if I can offer guidance on this situation or that... I started giving my offerings and people continued to come back and ask for more. Boom. Spirit Springs Holistic Healing was created. Fun fact: I started writing the intention daily about one year prior to pulling the trigger...


Sshh... because when we learn to quiet the mind and listen to the still small voice within each of us, transformation begins. We have to get quiet so we can hear what is being offered from God, Source, The Universe... Ourselves. Whatever energy resonates with you, that is where your answer lies. It's amazing what we can learn when we go within.




Throughout the past 20 years I have worked in various mental and behavioral health facilities, residential rehabilitation facilities, and addiction services including inpatient and outpatient settings. I have even spent several years in outreach and homeless camps and shelters, offering resource navigation and services to those who wanted the help, and learning that not everyone does and that's ok too. In my experience there are so many people out there that DO want something, they just don't always know what that something is or how to go about getting it. That furthered my desire to live a purpose-driven life helping people to find their way! All of this combined, led me to want to branch out even further by offering guidance in other domains of life. 

Most recently, I have dedicated my work to building Spirit Springs and have had beautiful experiences focusing on Energy Work for the past 2 years. 

Today, I offer coaching and mental health services, as well as resource navigation and consulting.

Thus... HOLISTIC HEALING has arrived! No matter what you are going through, I can hold your hand through the process and if I can't help, I know how to find who can!

Training and Such

Active Licensure in Washington State:

LMHCA- MC61519319

SUDPt- CO61031536


I hold a Master of Science (MS) in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis on Clinical Counseling from Capella University.


I hold a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology from the University of Washington Tacoma. 


I am clinically trained and actively licensed in Washington State for Substance Use Disorders and Addiction Treatment (SUDPt).  


I have studied and received my attunements for all 3 levels, earning my Master/Teacher Reiki training from The Reiki Training Program in Seattle, Washington.



At a Funeral
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